Low Pressure Stainless Steel Filters

Low Pressure Stainless Steel Filters
Microdyne is proud to offer a new line of Low Pressure Stainless Steel Filters. Capable of performing with pressures as low as 1.5 psi while providing sub-micron filtration with low differential pressure, our low-pressure filters offer a level of performance previously unavailable.
These filters are specifically designed to service the following industries (to name just a few):
- Dairy
- Brewing
- Pharmaceutical
- Food Processing
- Beverage

Low Pressure Stainless Steel Filters – Manifold Bowl and Elements
Our low-pressure filters are available in all grades, from dust to sterile filtration. They can also be easily configured to have anywhere from one to seven elements, depending on your individual application requirements. These filters are polished to a mirror finish, both inside and out.
Elements for Low Pressure Stainless Steel Filters
Elements have a double O-ring, plug-in, bayonet-type connection. Microdyne’s full-range of high efficiency, modular interchangeable range of elements are all available for use.
- SF-Sterile Filter — Removes bacteria and viruses in food, beverage, pharmaceuticals, and laboratory settings. Provides 100% sterile, bacteria-free compressed air at .01 micron.
- PF-Prefilter — Provides maximum prefiltration of larger particulates. Rated at 100% efficiency @ 1 micron with minimal differential pressures. Extends the service life of the higher grade microfilter installed thereafter.
- CFA-Coalescing Filter/Alpha Series® — The most effective coalescing filter in this series. Removes oil, water, and dirt from compressed air systems. Capable of removing contaminates down to .01 micron with 99.99998% efficiency. The special foam socks on the coalescers are resistant to mineral, synthetic, and decomposed oils.
- CFB-Coalescing Filter/Beta Series® — Effectively retains oil, water, and dirt from compressed air. Designed to trap particulates .01 micron and larger at an efficiency of 99.9999%.
- CFC-Coalescing Filter/Gamma Series® — Removes of oil, water, and dirt from compressed air systems. Performs with 99.99% efficiency at the .01 microns. To achieve economical operation in severely contaminated environments, it is best to install these filters upstream of the CFA filters.
- ACF-Activated Carbon Filter — Eliminates odors from compressed air. Produces compressed air that is 400,000 times more pure than ambient air.
- DF-Dustfilter — Removes rust and dust particulates from compressed air systems.
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